Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ready for my new bike!!

We started off just making sure the helmet fit ok, but then Sarah wouldn't let us take it off for the next hour. Maybe we should let her wear this safety equipment all the time, and she'll stop getting so many bruises... ;-)

Posted by Jim

Posted by Jim


Our two little cuties...

Posted by Jim

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Abby smiles

Abby finally gave us some big smiles this morning and let us capture them on "film". :-)

Abby smiling 1

Posted by Jim

Abby smiling 2

Posted by Jim

Abby smiling 3

Posted by Jim

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

"Great" Nanny and Abby

Nanny Chapman finally got to meet Abby. Abby cuddled right up and went to sleep.

"Great" Nanny and Abby

Posted by Jim

"Guys - open your eyes for a picture already!!"

Guy and Sefi

Posted by Jim

Swimming at Grammie & Papa's

Yay! Sarah was finally excited to go swimming... Hopefully this will carry over into swimming lessons... We shall see! :-)

Sarah jumping

Posted by Jim

Friday, August 20, 2004

World Population Clock

Hmmm - saw this and got kinda creeped out. Time to thin the herd? :-)

World Population Clock

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Wait - didn't I go to Concordia???

Hmm - wondering if I can sue McGill for misrepresentation... Ok, ok, I *was* drinking beer in front of a McGill flag, but thats all! I swear!! ;-)

photos | McGill Alumni Association of Northern California

Notice how there are no pictures of me sitting with them during the game. They were in the nose-bleeds, while Tim got me ice-level tickets. Awesome tix. Tim rules.

Pic from our seat

Monday, August 16, 2004

Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness

If you have some spare time, check these out. Too funny...

Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Daddy and Sarah reading the morning paper

Daddy and Sarah reading the morning paper

Posted by Jim

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Rachel's bug collection

Rachie and her "Charlies"

Posted by Jim

Monday, August 09, 2004

Kissy-face from Sarah

Posted by Jim


Posted by Jim

Study: Premature Boys Have Worse Brain Damage

Hmmm - I was premature, wasn't I?? Explains quite a few things, eh? :-)

Yahoo! News - Study: Premature Boys Have Worse Brain Damage

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Sarah saying hello

,dms,sa b b vcf ghgjh'/

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Trip to the park

Last weekend's trip to the park.

Sarah loved watching the ducks, but once again didn't want to get anywhere near the water... :-( One of these days she'll come around (I hope!)

Saying hello to the Llamas

Posted by Leah & Jim

Who says computers stink? Oh - they do...

The line about what hackers could do with this "technology" made me crack up. Hmm - smells like cheese...

Kaori Web: Internet Smell-O-Vision


"My Yahoo" RSS reader for updates

For those of you that use "My Yahoo" as a homepage, you can add a content module called "RSS Headlines" to view the current headlines of this blog on your main page. That way you can easily see when new content is added. Kinda cool. I'll have to see if Sympatico/MSN has something similar...

The site feed url to use is "http://chapmans.blogspot.com/atom.xml".

Off now for lunch. Meeting the girls at the mall. Shop shop shop! :-)


Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sleeping beauty Posted by Hello

Sarah & Abby Posted by Hello

Putting Sarah to bed one night, she wanted Abby to be put down beside her. What a good big sister!

Sarah holding her little sister Posted by Hello

Just made...

Well, well... Just set this up, and time to test it out. The question is, will this ever be read? We shall see!