Sunday, July 24, 2005

Picture time

Matching outfits


Abby reading a story

Friday, July 22, 2005

Pumping Gas...

Last night after volleyball I stop at a Shell station on the way home to fill up my car. After filling up, I go to put the nozzle back on the pump when the hose falls off the handle, with gas pouring out non-stop. I run to the store, bang on the glass (scaring the guy working there half to death, but probably not as much as when I showed him the pump handle in my hand). He quickly hits the emergency stop button to shut off all the pumps. There is now a huge puddle of gas under my car, and I have gas on my shorts & legs... He starts trying to soak up the gas with bags of Kitty-litter from the store. I push my car away - we were worried about starting it over the gas puddle. Just as my car is out of the way, some old guy drives up to the same pump, right over the puddle... I was ready to bolt, let me tell you. The attendant told the guy to go to another pump, so he drove back over the puddle again... Long story short, I STUNK of gas, but ended up with a free $45 dollar fill-up. Moral of the story: before pumping gas, always make sure the handle is securely attached to the hose... ;-)

FoxIt PDF Reader

For any of you annoyed at the speed of Adobe Acrobat Reader taking forever to load up and display a document, check out FoxIt PDF Reader. Its free, small, and super fast. No more waiting for silly Adobe Welcome screens and other foolishness. Opening up a PDF takes about 1/15th of the speed of Acrobat Reader.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites

hehehhee - Check out Google Moon. Select one of the landing sites, then zoom in until you reach the max zoom level. I KNEW IT!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Weekend water fun

With the beautiful weather last weekend, we filled the baby pool and turned on the sprinkler for some fun. Abby is already a pool-rat, and dives into the pool if you give her half a chance. Sarah has started her swimming lessons again, and this time is doing great. The only time she got upset was when the lesson was over.

Hanging out in their chairs with their blankets, having some juice


Abby playing in the sprinkler

Bucket girl

Sarah in the sprinkler

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Play time

Just a few pictures of the girls playing together.


Playing House

Playing in the ball tent

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!