Friday, December 29, 2006

Visit with Nana

A nice picture of Nana with her granddaughter and great-granddaughters. Click it for a larger version.
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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Our annual picture with Santa... Typical Abby, eh? Oh well! We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and all our best for 2007!

Love, The Chapmans

The Chapman Girls

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jessica Pics

Took some smiley pictures of Jessie the other day. She's growing up so fast!




Thursday, December 14, 2006

JibJab’s 2006 Year In Review

JibJab, the guys who did the great “This Land” Flash cartoon, have released a 2006 year-in-review cartoon called “Nuckin’ Futs” about everything crazy that happened this year. Some pretty good lines in there...

Nuckin’ Futs - The JibJab Year in Review|Send To Friends | < href="''">Funny Animations at JibJab

The Most Dangerous Toys of All-Time

This article cracked me up. How many of you remember some of these toys? I had the lawn darts as a kid (and never killed anyone). Anyone who was at Sarah's birthday party this year saw just how high those "Sky Dancers" can fly... Right up into my neighbour's evestroughing. D'OH!

Pray for coal [Radar Magazine]

Monday, December 04, 2006

Abby making faces

This clips cracks me up... Abby eating some sour candy that she got on Halloween night. Every time she popped one into her mouth, she would make a huge grimace, but kept on eating them. That's my girl!! :-)

By the way, this video clip is much longer than it needs to be - sorry! Maybe I'll edit it (shorten) and re-post...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Wiggles in Concert

I took Sarah and Abby to the Rogers Centre in Toronto to see the Wiggles performing live. The kids had a blast - although after the first hour of non-stop dancing, they were getting pretty pooped. They were very good, and didn't try to run off at any point. Phew - since Leah stayed home with Jessica, it wouldn't have looked good if I came home short a kid. hehehe It ended up that Greg (the Yellow-shirt Wiggle) was sick, so he had a replacement. Didn't seem to phase any of the kids at all. One of the dads behind me joked that if one of the 4 Wiggles wasn't there, we should all get a 25% discount. :-)

Sitting in their seat before the show started

People filling into Rogers Centre

Singing along with the Wiggles

Its the Wiggles!!

Dorothy the Dinosaur

See how they danced. No wonder they got tired quick!

Clapping along

Friday, November 03, 2006

(Late) Halloween pictures

Sorry these are late! I'm just plain lazy. :-) Halloween was great. The kids were super excited. We met up with a few neighbours and all hit the streets together. It was pretty cold that night, so we were only out for about an hour. Sarah and Abby were great, and got lots of candy (too much!). Jessie and Mom stayed home and handed out candy. We had about 25-30 kids show up. Not a lot, but more than last year! Here are some pics and video!!

Our new lawn decoration. It was a hit!


Dragon Abby

The Dragon and the Butterfly Princess

I really didn't get any good pictures of the Princess costume at Halloween, so this is one from when she got the dress a whie ago. :-)


Online file conversion with Zamzar

Here is a cool online conversion application.

Need to convert a Word document to PDF? Convert an OGG file to MP3? Convert a video from one format to another? Check this out:

Online file conversion with Zamzar - Lifehacker

Monday, October 30, 2006

Jessie in her Bumbo Seat

Just a couple of cutie-pie pictures. Get ready for some Halloween shots tomorrow!! :-)

Jessie smiling in her seat



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Crazy Pumpkin Art

For those of you who have lots of time to spend carving a pumpkin (I tried last year with disasterous results) there are some free PDF templates at

If anyone makes something cool, email a picture to me and I'll post it on the blog. Try not to lop off any fingers in the process! (If you do, send me a pic of that, and maybe *that* will go on the blog! hehehe)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Sidewalk Art & Jessie

Sarah did this all by herself (ok, I did the outline for the pumpkin). Pretty good, if I do say so myself. :-)

Sarah and her chaulk drawing

Jessie having fun

Mmmm... hand....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now that's a lot of paint!

Check out this awesome TV commercial for Sony Bravia TV's:

Best of all - this is all real, no computer graphics added. Crazy... You can reproduce this at home with 70,000 litres of paint, 358 single bottle bombs, 33 sextuple air cluster bombs, 22 Triple hung cluster bombs, 268 mortars, 33 Triple Mortars, 22 Double mortars, 358 meters of weld, 330 meters of steel pipe, and 57 km of copper wire. Nice!

From the Sony Bravia website:

Our latest TV ad - featuring massive paint explosions - took 10 days and 250 people to film. Huge quantities of paint were needed to accomplish this, which had to be delivered in 1 tonne trucks and mixed on-site by 20 people.

The effect was stunning, but afterwards a major clean-up operation was required to clear away all that paint!

The cleaning took 5 days and 60 people. Thankfully, the use of a special water-based paint made it easy to scrape-up once the water had evaporated.

Keeping everyone safe was also an important factor. A special kind of non-toxic paint was used that is safe enough to drink (it contains the same thickeners that are sometimes used in soups). It was also completely harmless to the skin.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Ok Go" on treadmills

Thanks to Kim P. for the link. I can't imagine how many wipeouts there were while filming this video. Great song (very catchy), and the video cracks me up every time.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

On Saturday we went to Springridge Farm for their Harvest Festival we the rest of the Chapman clan, then Sunday was dinner at my sister's. Good feasting was had by all. Good thing I wore my Turkey-Pants.

Painting Pumpkins

Pony Rides at the farm

Abby too

The girls

Of course Jessica was dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Abby the insect lover

Whereas Sarah loves princesses and butterflies, Abby prefers snakes, spiders and dinosaurs. Ok, she loves butterflies too.

Spiders, snakes and dinosaurs - oh my!

Ummm - wha?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Ahoy, me maties. Tuesday, September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. This is your annual opportunities to roll your arrrrrrrrrrr's to your heart's content. And drink grog.

My pirate name is:

Dread Pirate Kidd

Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Some recent favourites

The family at the Butterfly Conservatory

Blowing kisses during a walk at the conservation area

Strong enough to lift up 3 girls at once!

Sisterly love...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Eyes wide open

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't uploaded enough pictures of Jessica with her eyes open. Here you go! She has quite the intense stare!

"I see you!!"

What a slouch...

Laughing at Dad

I think this is a laugh...
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Monday, August 28, 2006


Just try to take these dresses of of them. Go ahead, I dare you...

The Princesses of the house


We went to visit Grammy and Papa over the weekend to get some time in the pool. Here are some pictures...

Abby in the hippo

Sarah doing some backstroke

Sarah catching some air

Flying Abster

Cutie pie