Monday, January 23, 2006


Ok, I guess some clarification is needed... No, we don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet. It is too early to know.

We call the little tyke "Pedro" because of a dream Leah had. In the dream, she had just delivered a baby boy, and before she knew what happened, I had officially named the baby "Pedro". She was *not* pleased (no offense to any Pedro's out there!)... I hadn't asked or told her I was doing it. She woke up, and was still mad at me. Ever since the dream, we've called it "Pedro". I tell her its all part of my master plan to get her used to the name so if it is a boy, she'll have grown attached to "Pedro". heeheehee.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Say hello to Pedro!

Say hello to my little friend!

I see you....

Sucking a thumb?

24 - the most annoying show ever


How is it possible that after 4 seasons, the writers on 24 still have not figured out how to make suspense without being annoying? Lost doesn't suffer from this... To build suspense, 24 is filled with annoying people doing stupid things, and each season has the same elements:

1 - A young daughter/son to meddle (and get attacked by cougars)
2 - A mole in CTU (this year in the President's staff)
3 - (Last 2 seasons only) Someone suffering from a mental illness to get in the way
4 - Enough techno-babble to make a computer-literate person want to vomit

If it doesn't already exist, there should be a "24" drinking game... Every time someone says the word "protocol" you have to drink a shot. I think even the hardest drinker would pass out in 15 minutes... Maybe being passed out will make the show less annoying... Anyone else want to add to my list? And yes, I'm going to keep watching, but I will be hating every minute of it.


For all my geeky gamer friends...

I'd like to point out that Leah bought me my first Playstation. Hehehe...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New template

I felt like changing things up a bit, so I am using a new look for the blog. I have removed the "SayBox" comments for the moment since they were messing up the formatting. Probably makes more sense to use the comments for each post anyways since then people know what you are talking about. We'll try it this way for now. If anyone has any serious objections, lemme know.

Thanks to EJC for spotting the problem that the Flickr photo badge was not showing up on the individual post pages. So that's what the "MainOrArchivePage" tag is for...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Alibi Network

This has to one of the tackiest business models I have ever seen. Check out the Alibi Network

They invent, create and provide alibis and excuses, create virtual jobs, make "rescue calls", etc. (All for a fee, of course) They try to make it seems like a good service by saying things like "Need time away from your spouse to organize a surprise party for her?". Ya, right... Its all about the affairs. The legal disclaimers are pretty funny too.

Whats next? The Hit-man network? "Need someone off'd? Join now!"

Sunday, January 08, 2006


23-0. This is the worst I've seen the Giants play EVER. Jerks.

Go Giants!

Its 1pm... Kickoff time!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

First pic of 2006

Happy New Year, and all our best for 2006!!

I think this chair is too small for 2... :-)