Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No surgery required

We saw the orthopedic surgeon today, and he determined that it was not a complete rupture of the achilles, but instead a partial one. Therefore he recommended against surgery, and instead I am in a fiberglass cast (non weight-bearing) for the next 4 weeks. After that, I will be evaluated and either put in another fiberglass cast (with my foot flexed) or in an air cast, but I should be able to start walking on it.

So I guess this is good news... Although it is a bit disconcerting that the doctor at emergency said it was a complete rupture and this guy said no... His response was "I am the specialist and he is not". If after 4 weeks in a cast they decide "oops - we should have done surgery", I will be very angry. Oh well - I guess I have to put faith that he knows what he is doing. (fingers crossed)

At least there is no pain or anything, but having a cast from my knee to my toes will get old *real* fast.

Monday, February 20, 2006

My foot and my achilles...

...have decided to part ways.

Nice, eh? Unfortunately,
there is no great story... I was playing soccer in my indoor soccer league, took a step towards the opposing goal, and went down like a load of bricks. I thought someone kicked me in the heel, but when I turned to look, no one was there. Then I was thinking that someone threw something... Nope. The other goalie came running over since he heard the "pop". I was taken to emergency (incredibly there was almost no waiting) and told that the tendon was completely ruptured.... So - surgery for me sometime this week, then some long rehab.

I'll try to have some pics taken during the surgery for the blog. hahahah. Just kidding!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Curious George

I took Sarah to her first movie on Saturday: Curious George.

She seemed to have had a great time, and at times was laughing out loud. At around the 3/4 mark, she did say that she wanted to go home, but I told her it was almost over, and she never mentioned it again. And of course she really enjoyed the popcorn and Sprite! :-)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Misc. Pics

"My" new La-Z-Boy recliner (including a lovely model - look out "Price is Right" girls!)

So it was a little bit windy last night... Our siding took a beating!! We also got a major dumping of snow. Oh joy...

Colouring & Check E. Cheese

Sarah is getting quite good at colouring these days. She is using more and more colours, and is attempting to stay in the lines. This is better than when she was colouring/scratching all the faces of the Disney Princesses in black (when we were thinking she might need some counselling (just kidding!) :-) )

Here is a sample:

On Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese. The girls had a blast. Neither of them wanted to get off the little carosel. They weren't quite sure what to make out of the giant rat - errr - mouse, but he eventually got a wave. We popped our heads in for a group "drawing"...

Superbowl Commercials

So as always, Canadian TV replaced all the Superbowl commercials with their own boring ones. However, thanks to the good old internet, you can view them all at the follwoing link:

Super Bowl XL Commercials

My favs? Stunt City, Secret Fridge... Still checking out the others...

Friday, February 03, 2006

The self-sustaining iPod - Lifehacker

A pretty good post over at Lifehacker: Hack Attack: The self-sustaining iPod

My favourite tool is Pod Player which allows you to play tunes off your iPod without iTunes, as well as extract music off of it. I had been looking for something that could extract for some time. Cool.

I'll put up some pictures of the kidlets ASAP. :-)

Oh, and since its Friday, if you are looking for a fun way to waste WAY too much time, install Google Earth, and then check out GoogleSightseeing. You don't really need to install Google Earth to play around the sightseeing page, but it is more fun...