Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Skating (2)

Hmm - Blogger not letting me post more that 4 pictures in a post...? Buggy...

This guy with the stroller kills me. He's just *whipping* around the rink pushing this crappy umbrella stroller. I don't think the kid was even wearing a helmet. Durrrr...

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Hey everyone,

Sorry its been so long since my last post. I guess its been a combination of "slow down" after Christmas, going to Vegas (for CES), and everyone in the house (except Abby!) having the stomach bug.... Anyhoo - that's all over with now, and everyone is feeling fine.

Sarah got some skates for Christmas, and we finally got the courage to take the kidlets to the rink. Sarah was a bit wobbly at first, but by the end she was taking a few steps on her own. She did great - Leah and I are thinking about signing her up for skating lessons. Abby wore some cheese-cutter, and had a ball. Here are some pictures of the big occasion.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Kodak - "winds of change" video

This is a commercial that was supposedly produced for internal use. But it has become so popular, especially with employees, that Kodak has released it for external viewing. Since there is at least one former Kodak employee who checks out this blog, I thought I'd put the video up. That - and I find it hilarious. Produce memories so outstanding "Celine Dion will sing the theme song while riding along on a unicorn through a field of baby animals under a big blue sky! And there's not a damned thing you can do to stop it. You were a Kodak moment once, and BY GOD, you will be one again!"

Howard Dean eat your heart out. BOOYA!

[Found via Engadget]