Sunday, September 30, 2007

Leah sticks her head outside tonight and sees this sign on our lawn... *Someone* put the sign up in our front yard... Checking out his website, this Jim Chapman is running in London. (I'm no fan of the PC's by the way) Too funny!!

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ontario Place

Last weekend we made a quick stop to Ontario Place with Donna (before helping her set up her new laptop). Not as exciting as MarineLand, but there we no line-ups, so that counts for something. :-)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Abby's first day at school

Abby has started preschool at the Montessori school. She's been doing *really* well, and didn't cry at all on her first day. Here is a picture of me picking her up. She's also fully toilet trained now!! WOOHOO!!! It look a looong time, but she's doing really well. What a big girl!

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