Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Santa Claus Parade

Some pictures from the Kitchener-Waterloo Santa Claus Parade last weekend. Lots of fun had by all!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


The Witch and the Fairy Princess

The ducky checking her loot

Daddy and his feather-less duckling

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Our Trick-Or-Treating Posse! Every year some of the Dads from our street all take the kids out together. Lots of fun!

Microsoft Research Group Shot

Just started testing out a cool photo tool: Microsoft Research Group Shot

Group Shot creates a composite image from a series of photos. The photos must be of the same scene, taken from the same point of view within a short period of time. The application uses regions that you indicate to build a composite image automatically.

Here is an example that I just did: two shots, of course I can't ever get all 3 of them to look at the camera at the same time... :-)

After mucking around with Group Shot, and choosing the right sections from each picture, this is what it came out with:

Not bad! I'll have to look through older group shots and see if any of them can be improved.