Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Misc. pics

For some reason, Sarah likes to build a little fort around Abby when she is in her bouncy seat... She'll go get all her chairs and put them around Abby, then go upstairs and get her pillow and blanket to put on top. Same ritual, with the same equipment every time. Bizarre... Abby likes the attention though.

Sarah building the fort

Abby in her "fort"

Abby's getting big, eh?

Abby with a bottle

Sarah like to help Mommy make chocolate chip cookies. She likes eating them almost as much...

"Mmmmm - that was a gooood cookie!"

1 comment:

JimC said...

The disappearing act is ok, as long as she doesn't try to saw her in half. ;-) Just to be sure, I'll hide the Little Tikes saw I bought for her.