Monday, February 28, 2005

Google Fight

Funnier than you would think - Google Fight : Make a fight with googleFight Not sure of the "technology" here, but it must compare number of pages indexed with those words or something.

Leah will be happy:

My Wife vs. Pamela Anderson

Talk about a butt-kicking! :-)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Niagara-On-The-Lake weekend

Leah and I had an awesome time in Niagara-On-The-Lake last weekend. First time since the kids were born that we took off for a weekend (well - a night at least). Mom & Dad Chapman were kind enough to watch the kidlets while we went galivanting around in Niagara wine country. :-)

We stayed at the Queen's Landing hotel. Very nice hotel...

We had a mid-range room reserved, but when the bellhop brought us up to our room, he noticed that our heater was making a loud noise, so we were upgraded to a deluxe room. Woohoo! Score! Here are some room pics:

"Queen's Landing" room

"Queen's Landing" room

View of harbour from room

We spent the afternoon walking around the downtown area - tasting wines, and tasting more wines. :-) Most from Peller Estates Winery. After which, we hit the hotel bar. ahhhh - kid-free!

Downtown Niagra-On-The-Lake

Soon it was time for dinner...

Dining Room

Holy cow - talk about tasty. I ate their specialty - Venison. So all night long I got to tell Leah that I was eating Bambi. And boy - is that good eatin'!!

We both slept in nicely until 10am (haven't done THAT in a loooong time!), then had some quick danishes at a local bakery before heading home.

Google Movies

Hey all - came across this cool new feature that Google just released called "Google Movies". Basically, you go to Google and start your search with "movie:" For example, (excerpt from the Google Blog):

Can't remember the name of that film where Tom Hanks made friends with a volleyball? Search for [movie: Tom Hanks talking to a volleyball] and Google will tell you: it was Cast Away. Want rental recommendations? Try searching for [movie: awesome car chase] or [movie: good chick flick].

It can even show you movies in your town or zip code, but only works in the US now. (doh!) Cool though, and might solve some of the "Who was the actor that played in..." questions. Anyone care to come up with an obscure search that finds the answer?

Friday, February 11, 2005

Big smiles
"What are *you* looking at"?"

New "comments"

Hey all, Google has re-done the "comments" section, so you don't have to have a Blog account to leave comments anymore. So lets try it out! How many comments can this blog entry get... :-) Come on... Try it... you'll like it....

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Google Maps

Google Maps (beta) is up and running. Pretty good. It doesn't look like Canada is included until you zoom in a bit and then head north. Or just type in a Canadian city and it will zoom you in. Looks good, and it is fast - always nice. From the main page, take the tour for a quick intro.

Google's march to rule the world continues... :-)

Monday, February 07, 2005

IFILM - Super Bowl Ads

If you missed any of the Superbowl ads (or live in Canada and had them all removed from your Global channel feed (GRRR!!!), you can catch them here at IFILM - Super Bowl Ads.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Bunch of diaper-heads...

Not sure what to say about this, other than - "A two-year-old with lots of nearby diapers..."


The "Diaper-Head" gang

"Look at me - I'm da Pope!"

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

"Add to MyMsn" button

For those of you who use MyMSN as a homepage (I believe this what Sympatico uses too), MSN has added RSS syndication feed support... What that means is that if you click the "+ MyMSN" button on the right pane, it will add the headlines to your main MyMSN page and keep it updated automatically, so you can see when there are new posts to the blog without going to the page itself.

If you use MyYahoo instead, click that button. Or go crazy - click both. You might win a prize. (or maybe not) :-)


Blockbuster's "End of Late Fees"

Its the end of late fees at Blockbuster in Canada. Well, not really, since there is still some fine print... You can keep a rental for 7 days past the "due-date", at which point your account will be charged the purchase price of the movie. You can bring it back with 30 days of the sale, at which point you will be reimbursed, minus a restocking fee of $1.75 plus tax. Not bad.... Now if they would start the online rental like they have in the States ($14.99 / month, no late fees, unlimited DVDs), I'd be happy.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Credit Card pranks continued...

Now I still haven't tried this myself, but I might do it at some point. But our good prankster has continued his "experiment"... Read on...