Monday, January 16, 2006

24 - the most annoying show ever


How is it possible that after 4 seasons, the writers on 24 still have not figured out how to make suspense without being annoying? Lost doesn't suffer from this... To build suspense, 24 is filled with annoying people doing stupid things, and each season has the same elements:

1 - A young daughter/son to meddle (and get attacked by cougars)
2 - A mole in CTU (this year in the President's staff)
3 - (Last 2 seasons only) Someone suffering from a mental illness to get in the way
4 - Enough techno-babble to make a computer-literate person want to vomit

If it doesn't already exist, there should be a "24" drinking game... Every time someone says the word "protocol" you have to drink a shot. I think even the hardest drinker would pass out in 15 minutes... Maybe being passed out will make the show less annoying... Anyone else want to add to my list? And yes, I'm going to keep watching, but I will be hating every minute of it.


1 comment:

JimC said...

Ooh - right. You'd think that every warehouse in LA is abandoned and breeding terrorists. And traffic? What traffic?

So if Derek and Kim hook up, and Jack and the mom hook up, Derek will be with his sister. How sweet.

For funny recaps of each episode check out "Television Without Pity"
HERE. I love their nicknames (Edgar = Lispy Skip, Chloe = Potato-face, etc) - at leas thats what they were last season.