Sunday, May 10, 2009

Alice in Wonderland - Dance Recital

Sarah had her "Alice in Wonderland" dance recital yesterday.   It was at the University of Waterloo humanities theatre.  At least a few hundred parents/family were there to watch.  Sarah was pretty nervous to be out on stage in front of such a big crowd, but she did great!  See the attached pictures and video clips.  :-)

The Audience

The Program
Sarah's name in the program (top line)
About to begin!
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(Sarah is in the middle on the right hand side when it starts)

Video Part 1:

Video Part 2:


Donna said...

Good job Sarah!

Marsha Moodie said...

FYI David and Marsha were part of "the audience". We made a very worth while trip to see Sarah's performance... good job Sarah.
Grammy and Papa