Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Tree

Last weekend we picked up our Christmas tree. For the first time we decided to try a "cut your own tree" place called "Benjamin's Tree Farm". Well, the good news was that it was not too cold, and it wasn't snowing. The bad news was that it was wet & muddy, and we had to walk about 15 minutes to get to a place where there were decent trees. The hard part was dragging it back.... UGH! They gave us a plastic barrel cut in half with a rope attached to use as a sled. Ya, right. The thing was next to useless. By the time we got back to the cash, I was exhausted, Sarah was crying, and Leah's arm was about to fall off from carrying Abby. It did save us quite a bit of money though, and we got a pretty big tree. We'll see if we do the same thing next year. Leah says we will laugh about this sometime soon. I'm still waiting... ;-)

Sarah ready to go find a Christmas tree (notice the purse)

Finished cutting down our Christmas tree

Decorating the tree (anyone want to guess how many balls Sarah broke?)

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