Monday, July 31, 2006

Attack of the Monarch

Forgot to put these pictures up... A few weeks ago, Leah was out walking with the girls when they found an ailing Monarch butterfly on a driveway near our house. It wasn't able to fly, and didn't look like it had long to live, but Sarah wanted to take it home so she could put it in some flowers and if it died "at least it will die with friends instead of on a driveway". Not even 4, but showing so much maturity. Of course once they picked up the buttefly, it crawled all over them, giving us lots of photo opportunities. He really did look happier with the girls. You all know how crazy Sarah and Abby are for butterflies, so they had the best time with their new friend. Sadly, he died the next day, but the girls won't soon forget the great day they had with their Monarch friend.

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