Monday, July 31, 2006

Jessica update

Jessie had her one-week doctor's appointment with our family doctor today. Quite the "interesting" visit...

When she was born, Jessie weighed 2400 grams (5 lbs, 4.5 ounces). At her 48-hour checkup, she was almost back up to her birthweight at 2380 grams (5 lbs, 3.95 ounces). These weights are taken with the baby naked, with no diaper. So we see our family doctor today, and the first thing he does is put Jessie on his digital scale, fully clothed with a wet diaper on. His scale reads between 2080-2100 grams - 4 lbs, 10 ounces!! He goes on to say that this is normal, that they lose weight the first week, and that she should start to gain it back during this second week... Leah is now getting *very* upset, since Jessie has been eating great, and has been pooping and peeing tons (trust me - tons). We know she is getting lots of milk. Anyhow, we decide to go to the hospital to see if one of the lactation consultants there would quickly weigh Jessica to prove to us that she is doing well. Sure enough, the scale at the hospital (naked with no diaper) is 2545 grams, or 5 lbs, 9.8 ounces, so she has actually GAINED almost an ounce a day since her last weight check. So our family doctor's scale was off by almost a complete pound. Not much for you or me, but for a newborn that is HUGE (the difference is 17.5% of her weight!)

The nurse was shocked at the weight we were told, and asked for his contact information so she could contact his office and tell him to recalibrate his scale.

So basically we were scared (ok, not really scared since we knew there was something wrong with his scale, but still...) BUT Jessica is doing GREAT. Cute little monkey...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how stressed out we can get when it comes to wee babies and their eating/peeping/pooping, no? So glad to hear that she is growing well. More pictures, please!!!

Sheila & family